Thursday, August 31, 2006

two high compliments for SUFJAN, a musician of unusual quality, in more senses than one

I don't know that you'd like Sufjan Stevens; and it wouldn't help if you told me what kind of music you like. I'm not familiar enough with the off-off-Broadway of the music world to know how to describe him to those who are, and to the rest of you, he will be as inexplicable and description-defying as he is to me.

At the very least, though, I recommend checking out his CD next time you're in the record store. Not buying it; just reading the back. Seven Swans won't get you anywhere, but if you can find a copy of Illinois or Michigan, just read the song titles. That should give you a clue for whether you should even begin to think about buying one of the CDs. Also, they're really fun and they make me grin.

But I have these two things to say about Sufjan, inexplicable though he may be: First, when I put a CD of his into my car player, I don't usually take it out again for about a week. Second, he has written a song which I hate to listen to, but which I can't turn off if it begins to play.

And that's what I have to say about that.


The Wayward Budgeter said...

"he has written a song which I hate to listen to, but which I can't turn off if it begins to play."

john wayne gacy, jr. i understand.

i see sufjan in two weeks at the fox.

happiness ensues in my thoughts.

Virginia Ruth said...

I'm SO jealous. You have to tell me next time.

The Wayward Budgeter said...

oh my gosh, would you come down to see him with me? How much awesomeness would that be?!?!