Wednesday, May 09, 2007

on methods of displaying word-snippets, and possibly a mental illness

I have way too many blogs. Thank goodness I stopped trying to have a system for which entries to post to which... now I just kind of go with whatever feels right. And I'm trying to keep it simple by usually cross-posting from Raid or Chronicles onto the myspace blog, but sometimes I don't. The result is that my three blogs (I've contemplated trying to post blog entries into my facebook notes too, since that's the only one my brother would read, but that way madness lies) read like alternate universes of the Ginny mind: lots of overlap, but each one presents a slightly different picture.

But that's not what I came here to talk about. It's just a thought that arose as I was trying to decide which blog to post this to.

What I came here to talk about was this: I miss away messages. I don't miss talking on IM (note that I do not call it AIM, first because I use ichat and second because people have started pronouncing it like the word "aim" which drives me BATTY) but I do miss away messages. So often a phrase comes to me, either internally or externally, that I want to display before the world. The away message was terrific for this. Actually, college in general (which was the last time I used IM with any frequency) was terrific for this. There was the quote wall, the quote book, there was scribbling lines and excerpts on the back of one's notebook when one was bored in class, there was, heck, just standing in the middle of the quad and shouting stuff. Though I don't think I did that. Much.

I was going to use that little headline quote in myspace for this purpose, but the current quote is so perfect, in origin and applicability, that I can't bear to change it. But I have three other quotes waiting in the wings that desperately need to be broadcasted somewhere. What's a girl to do?

WAIT!!! I know!!! I will start another blog! A quote of the day blog! Or week, or whatever. Displayed on the front page will be whatever snippet of wisdom, cleverness, compositional beauty, or just absurdity I feel the need to place before the world. And then I will have an archive of all the thoughts that struck me as displayable during this phase of my life. Which, for some reason, I value.


I have this sinking feeling that somewhere in the universe, something just went horribly wrong.

1 comment:

The Wayward Budgeter said...

Hmm, I missed the leap from the last paragraph to the "---" to the "something just went terribly wrong."
But I like the idea of a quotes & snippets blog. used to read a quotes blog, though I check it not so often now.
I think it's funny that you don't like AIM to be called "aim." That's what I call it.
Also, you can do away messages in g-chat. Or, wait. Did you say ichat?