Wednesday, March 15, 2006

On Lazarus

Jesus wept at the tomb of his friend.

Of all the mysteries of God and love, this is one of the strangest to me. Jesus already knew he was going to raise Lazarus: he'd said to his disciples, "Our friend Lazarus sleeps; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep." He already knew-- he was there to heal-- but he wept.

Why? I've never quite understood it... but I think it's related to something in my earlier post. Death is a product of evil, a destruction of what is precious to the heart of God, and he grieves over it...

...even while he prepares to restore it.


Anonymous said...

I believe with conviction that He is crying with us now.

Anonymous said...

Ask Nate Lee about Jesus crying for Lazurus. He knows why and can soundly clear up your confusion.