Tuesday, January 03, 2006

something fun

I have a couple of deep and profound posts I'll put up eventually... but not today. Today, I have for all my loyal fans, a quiz! Specifically, a movie/TV quotes quiz. Behold, sixteen quotes from movies and shows that I like, yours for the identifying! Some are very familiar, some are rather obscure... but I've tried to take familiar quotes from obscure movies and obscure quotes from familiar movies. Go ahead and comment on the ones you think you know... we'll see who gets the most (just don't read anybody else's comments before making your guess. Not that you'd do such a thing.)

Let the games begin.

1: Everybody's dead, Dave.

2: If you value your lives, be somewhere else.

3: I will call you if anyone anywhere gets drunk.

4: The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers.

5: Forgive me for not leaping for joy, bad back you know.

6: Some things in here don't react well to bullets.

7: These days you have to think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being.

8: I hope your mango's ripe.

9: Was you ever bit by a dead bee?

10: I'll go put these in some rubbing alcohol.

11: Well, everyone knows Custer died at Little Bighorn. What this book presupposes is... maybe he didn't.

12: If you come back on Easter, you can burn down my apartment.

13: Somebody help me, I'm being spontaneous!

14: I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.

15: If you are a Scottish lord, then I am Mickey Mouse!

16: Can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?


Anonymous said...

Holy smokes, Ginny! I only recognized the one about Custer, the "I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen" and the Scottish lord/Mickey Mouse. Unfortunately I can't place them. Oh, wait . . . The Scottish lord/Mickey Mouse one--is that from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? And Custer! It's from the Royal Tenenbaums! Right? I still can't place the other one. I keep thinking of "I gave her my heart, she wanted my soul," which is, of course, one of Bob's lines.

I guess two out of sixteen is as much as I can manage.

Anonymous said...

This is Ninja James.

1. Red Drawf

4. Pirate of the Caribbean. Or Treasure Island. One of the two.

16. Galaxy Quest. Gotta love the red shirt wisdom.

Haha, I got three, thus putting me in the lead!

Anonymous said...

Not if you're DEAD, Ninja James! *attacks ferociously*

Gah . . . I guess killing the competition is probably a bad idea. Would it count as betrayal or mutiny and put me in the deepest circle of hell? Not worth the risk.

Just as a random guess, is the heart/pen one from High Fidelity? That one is going to drive me crazy.

Virginia Ruth said...

Close, Molly. And you should keep noodling on some of the others... I know for a fact that you've seen at least a couple of the movies you haven't guessed yet.

And both of you were right about the ones you guessed. I actually thought, when I put it up, that the Scottish lord one was from Raiders, not Crusade, but as I think about it I realize you're right... Crusade it is.

I hope Bisell makes an appearance... there's one movie on the list that I'm pretty sure he's seen, and doubtful if anyone else has.

Blogger 1.0 said...
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Blogger 1.0 said...

So i'm not sure what happened when i submitted the first time...anyway...here are (some)the answers...

1.Red Dwarf…

2.don't know

3.Almost Famous

4.Pirates…Captain Jack…

5.unfortunately this quote is from a disney film…Lion King

6.oh yes…”do you…see the beast 007? yes miss money-penny....should present no significant problem…” the hunt for red October…



9.ohh this is from an old movie…I don’t remember the title….something about dead bees being dangerous…this is going to bother me for a very long time…

10. Grosse point blank…with yes…John Cusack…

11.I love owen Wilson….The royal tenanbaums…

12.while you were sleeping

13.….not the foggiest…

14.Say anything…another cusack film…

15.in this movie…han solo…and 007 are apparently related…Indy jones and the last crusade…

16.um…galaxy quest…

Virginia Ruth said...

Aaaand... Saro takes a commanding lead. Still unguessed, though, are 2 (which should be well known to at least two readers of this blog), 7, 8, 9, and 13.

7 may be tricky... it's possible no one has seen that movie. Which would be a travesty, by the way. Same for 9, although Saro has clearly seen it, and I'd bet money that Bisell has too.

8 and 13 are from movies that many of you have seen.

If nobody has guessed any more after a couple of days, I'm going to put up additional quotes from each unguessed movie.

Tegid said...

Clearly number 2 is B5. Delenn for the win.

I knew several, recognized a couple, but clearly this is a fun game I didn't get in on seen enough.

Peaceful Wanderings said...

Oh GINNY! Look what you have done. I must say I truly respect all you quoting quoters out there. I cant find my car keys let alone a common obscure / obscure common quote. But I'd love to watch #7 with ya someday.

Virginia Ruth said...

Alrighty, here's the extra quotes from the unguessed movies.

7: These days you have to think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being. / It is not convenient.

8: I hope your mango's ripe. / I am a lone reed.

9: Was you ever bit by a dead bee? / You do know how to whistle, don't you Steve?
(Saro actually got this one already once I gave him the second quote, but I thought I'd put it up there in case any others recognized it.)

13: Somebody help me, I'm being spontaneous! / Cue the sun!

That's it folks.

Anonymous said...

9 is from To Have and Have Not, with Lauren Bacall and . . . that guy.