Sunday, November 06, 2005

after much pestering, she consents, in part...

It's your lucky day. In keeping with my aim of loosening the iron fist of pride that clutches all my writing endeavors, I am going to make my NaNo work available to read. Sort of. Parts of it. To some people.

The way it works is this: I'll be posting excerpts, from scenes I enjoy and consider to not have more than three or four embarrassingly weak moments, on my other blog. Yes, I have another blog. It's here, but as of last spring it's friends-only, which means in order to read it you must either a) have a livejournal account and be listed as one of my friends, or b) have the username and password to the super-spiffy friends account I set up just so people like you could read my livejournal.

If you think I've been keeping riches of deep and life-altering thought away from you by not mentioning this journal sooner, set your mind at ease. The chief purpose of it is to keep out-of-state friends posted on my life and happenings... and to say the occasional silly things that pop into my head that I wish to share, but not to have tainting my public image (because, um, I have a public image and all, what with this highly-trafficked blog... ah, never mind.) This here is supposed to be my quality journal... which explains why I post so infrequently.

ANYway... so if you want to have access to the story excerpts I shall put up, email me, or comment here, and I'll send you the info to log in. Only if I know you, though. If you're a random stranger who likes my blog (I'm sure there are hundreds of you), well I'm sure you're a very nice person, but you'll have to content yourself with the wit and wisdom to be found right here.

1 comment:

Peaceful Wanderings said...

ah how you tease us... hehehe... the short story was amazing... may I have fries with that? I mean... Id LOVE to read more... Im a fan.